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故事设定在“猿流感”病毒蔓延全球的背景下,人类几近毁灭,而进化为高级智慧生物的猿类一跃成为食物链顶端的王者。时移世异,暴虐的猿类首领赛撒(凯文·杜兰 Kevin Durand 饰)在一片废墟中建立起猿族历史上的第一个帝国——“猩球”崛起,这是世界新秩序诞生的黎明时分。神秘的人类女孩诺娃(弗蕾娅·艾伦 Freya Allan 饰)的出现,引起了赛撒的警觉。她似乎掌握着一个巨大的秘密,不仅关乎人类的存亡,甚至可能再度颠覆整个“猩球”。被迫逃亡的诺娃在躲避赛撒军队的过程中,与青年猿类诺亚(欧文·泰格 Owen Teague 饰)的命运交汇,揭开了一段冒险的旅程。
故事设定在“猿流感”病毒蔓延全球的背景下,人类几近毁灭,而进化为高级智慧生物的猿类一跃成为食物链顶端的王者。时移世异,暴虐的猿类首领赛撒(凯文·杜兰 Kevin Durand 饰)在一片废墟中建立起猿族历史上的第一个帝国——“猩球”崛起,这是世界新秩序诞生的黎明时分。神秘的人类女孩诺娃(弗蕾娅·艾伦 Freya Allan 饰)的出现,引起了赛撒的警觉。她似乎掌握着一个巨大的秘密,不仅关乎人类的存亡,甚至可能再度颠覆整个“猩球”。被迫逃亡的诺娃在躲避赛撒军队的过程中,与青年猿类诺亚(欧文·泰格 Owen Teague 饰)的命运交汇,揭开了一段冒险的旅程。
Canadian surgeon Dr. Norman Bethune (Donald Sutherland) journeys 1,500 miles into China to reach Mao Zedong's eighth route Army in the Wu Tai mountains where he will build hospitals, provide care, and train medics. Flashbacks narrate the earlier events of his life: a bout with tuberculosis at the Trudeau sanatorium; the self-administration of an experimental pneumothorax; the invention of operative instruments; his fascination with Socialism; a journey into medical Russia; and the founding of a mobile plasma-transfusion unit in war-torn Spain. Bethune twice married and twice divorced his wife Frances (Dame Helen Mirren), who chooses abortion over child-rearing in her unstable marriage. By 1939, Bethune had been dismissed from his Montreal Hospital for taking unconventional risks, and from his volunteer position in Spain for his chronic problems of drinking and womanizing. As his friend states: "China was all that was left." Even there, Bethune confidently ignores the advice of Chinese officials until heavy casualties make him realize his mistake and lead him to a spectacular apology.