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/ 福田雄一
(简介翻译:三木@日菁字幕组 转载请注明出处) 平凡老实的中年上班族左江内,有一天被一个奇怪的男人逼着成为了正义的伙伴·超人(虽然他自己并不想做)。作为有着一位强势妻子和一双尚在青春期的儿女的父亲,他在世界和平和家庭纠纷之间左右为难。虽然成为了超人,但生活并没有变好。正义,和平,幸福究竟是怎样的呢……。被现实的种种无奈所困扰的大叔超人,今天也要加油!
/ 麦田
/ 戴希帆
  一名娘娘腔小太监,华丽丽变身男子汉的嬉笑之旅! 大内丹药总管贾公公的助手、后宫人气王——太监小权,遇上了心上人,开始研究如何还原男儿之身,重拾男子气概!不料研究之路布满荆棘,小权在研究丹药的过程中,不小心撞破一场惊天大阴谋!后宫黑幕重重,为了能挽救无辜、和喜欢的人在一起,小权决定奋起反击,揭露黑暗!且看太监小权大显身手,在后宫掀起波澜!
/ 麦田
  由麦田映画(北京)影业、浙江聚乐影视、腾讯视频、欢乐时光影业、河南小伟影视联合出品,麦田映画(北京)影业制作发行的大型古装动作喜剧《大内密探王二狗2》海报花絮首度曝光。  海报上女一号江南飘香院头牌柔柔(画中 刘冯合欢饰)居中,身着一身粉衣的她真是清新可人。大内密探王小宝 (画又二 郑拓彊饰)还是一副皱着眉头忧心差事的耍酷模样。着黄衣的女二号知县老婆(画左二 覃炜饰),据说是一个漂亮的母老虎哦。还有好像门神一样站在他们身后的狗子——展犬(画左一张峰饰)和不三不四——公孙不二(画右一齐超饰) 徐冰饰演李德全。
/ スミス,横尾初喜,戸塚寛人
/ 内详
/ 内详 
  Christmas gets weird - really weird - after George and Harold go back in time to change up a few of their beloved holiday's traditions.
/ 大卫·索伦
/ 蒂姆·费德勒尔
/ 米歇尔·贡德里
  内向沉稳的约尔•巴瑞斯(金•凯瑞 饰)在一次聚会中认识了率真随性的克莱门汀•克罗斯基(凯特•温丝莱特 饰),二人成为情侣。和普通的情侣一样,他们的日子也在甜蜜和争吵中度过。  2004年情人节前夕,当约尔精心准备好礼物,为不久前一次争吵找到克莱门汀道歉时,他惊讶地发现,克莱门汀根本都不记得他了。原来冲动的克莱门汀受不了二人交往中争吵的痛苦,到“忘情诊所”,把关于约尔的记忆删除得一干二净。  约尔无法原谅克莱门汀的任性,也无法忍受失去她的痛苦,所以他也到了“忘情诊所”,请求医生霍华德博士(汤姆•维尔金森 饰)消除关于克莱门汀的记忆。  记忆清除程序开始启动,约尔在自己的记忆中游走,他发现和克莱斯汀一起度过的那些时光,无论是痛苦还是甜蜜,都弥足珍贵,他并不想忘记这个自己深爱的女人。但是,程序一旦启动就无法逆转,约尔只能想尽办法把克莱斯汀藏到记忆最深的地方,那些现实中克莱斯汀本来没有出现过的时间角落,以保存这份爱情……
/ 松永好訓
  19岁的少女寺泽弘子(渡边典子 饰)是一家婚姻介绍所的女秘书,某天所里接到一通电话,对方是关根集团董事长的遗孀恭子(长山蓝子 饰),她希望为自己的儿子昌和(渡边谦 饰)找到一位如意新娘。当恭子得知弘子姓名时,竟不假思索决定弘子为相亲的对象。  会面之日,弘子得知,恭子只希望她假扮昌和的新娘十天,以代替因车祸骨折的真正新娘。看在巨额报酬的份上,弘子欣然同意,留在关根家位于山中的别墅内进行各种礼仪的训练。但随着事态的发展,她意识到关根家的背后似乎隐藏着更为黑暗的秘密……  根据赤川次郎同名小说改编。
/ Frank Beal
  A dramatization of the methods in which young women are abducted or otherwise procured for prostitution.
/ 居伊·德波
/ 内详 
  Voice 1 (male "professional announcer" type): This neighborhood(1) was made for the wretched dignity of the petty bourgeoisie, for respectable occupations and intellectual tourism. The sedentary population of the upper floors was sheltered from the influences of the street. This neighborhood has remained the same. It was the strange setting of our story, where a systematic questioning of all the diversions and works of a society, a total critique of its idea of happiness, was expressed in acts.  These people also scorned "subjective profundity". They were interested in nothing but an adequate and concrete expression of themselves.  Voice 2 (Debord, monotone): Human beings are not fully conscious of their real life - usually groping in the dark; overwhelmed by the consequences of their acts; at every moment groups and individuals find themselves confronted with results they have not wished.  Voice 1: They said that oblivion was their ruling passion. They wanted to reinvent everything each day; to become the masters and possessors of their own lives.  Just as one does not judge a man according to the conception he has of himself, one cannot judge such periods of transition according to their own consciousness; on the contrary, one must explain the consciousness through the contradictions of material life, through the conflict between social conditions and the forces of social production.  The progress achieved in the domination of nature was not yet matched by a corresponding liberation of everyday life. Youth passed away among the various controls of resignation.  Our camera has captured for you a few aspects of a provisional microsociety.  The knowledge of empirical facts remains abstract and superficial as long as it is not concretized by its integration into the whole "” which alone permits the supersession of partial and abstract problems so as to arrive at their concrete essence, and implicitly at their meaning.  This group was on the margins of the economy. It tended toward a role of pure consumption, and first of all the free consumption of its time. It thus found itself directly engaged in qualitative variations of everyday life but deprived of any means to intervene in them.  The group ranged over a very small area. The same times brought them back to the same places. No one went to bed early. Discussion on the meaning of all this continued...  Voice 2: "Our life is a journey "” In the winter and the night. "” We seek our passage..."�  Voice 1: The abandoned literature nevertheless exerted a delaying action on new affective formulations.  Voice 2: There was the fatigue and the cold of the morning in this much-traversed labyrinth, like an enigma that we had to resolve. It was a looking-glass reality through which we had to discover the potential richness of reality.  On the bank of the river evening began once again; and caresses; and the importance of a world without importance. Just as the eyes have a blurred vision of many things and can see only one clearly, so the will can strive only incompletely toward diverse objects and can completely love only one at a time.  Voice 3 (young girl): No one counted on the future. It would never be possible to be together later, or anywhere else. There would never be a greater freedom.  Voice 1: The refusal of time and of growing old automatically limited encounters in this narrow, contingent zone, where what was lacking was felt as irreparable. The extreme precariousness of the means of getting by without working was at the root of this impatience which made excesses necessary and breaks definitive.  Voice 2: One never really contests an organization of existence without contesting all of that organization's forms of language.  Voice 1: When freedom is practiced in a closed circle, it fades into a dream, becomes a mere representation of itself. The ambiance of play is by nature unstable. At any moment "ordinary life"� can prevail once again. The geographical limitation of play is even more striking than its temporal limitation. Any game takes place within the contours of its spatial domain. Around the neighborhood, around its fleeting and threatened immobility, stretched a half-known city where people met only by chance, losing their way forever.  The girls who found their way there, because they were legally under the control of their families until the age of eighteen, were often recaptured by the defenders of that detestable institution. They were generally confined under the guard of those creatures who among all the bad products of a bad society are the most ugly and repugnant: nuns.  What usually makes documentaries so easy to understand is the arbitrary limitation of their subject matter. They describe the atomization of social functions and the isolation of their products. One can, in contrast, envisage the entire complexity of a moment which is not resolved into a work, a moment whose movement indissolubly contains facts and values and whose meaning does not yet appear. The subject matter of the documentary would then be this confused totality.  Voice 2: The era had arrived at a level of knowledge and technical means that made possible, and increasingly necessary, a direct construction of all aspects of a liberated affective and practical existence. The appearance of these superior means of action, still unused because of the delays in the project of liquidating the commodity economy, had already condemned aesthetic activity, whose ambitions and powers were both outdated. The decay of art and of all the values of former mores had formed our sociological background. The ruling class's monopoly over the instruments we needed to control in order to realize the collective art of our time had excluded us from a cultural production officially devoted to illustrating and repeating the past. An art film on this generation can only be a film on its absence of real creations.  Everyone unthinkingly followed the paths learned once and for all, to their work and their home, to their predictable future. For them duty had already become a habit, and habit a duty. They did not see the deficiency of their city. They thought the deficiency of their life was natural. We wanted to break out of this conditioning, in quest of another use of the urban landscape, in quest of new passions. The atmosphere of a few places gave us intimations of the future powers of an architecture it would be necessary to create to be the support and framework for less mediocre games. We could expect nothing of anything we had not ourselves altered. The urban environment proclaimed the orders and tastes of the ruling society just as violently as the newspapers. It is man who makes the unity of the world, but man has extended himself everywhere. People can see nothing around them that is not their own image; everything speaks to them of themselves. Their very landscape is alive. There were obstacles everywhere. There was a cohesion in the obstacles of all types. They maintained the coherent reign of poverty. Everything being connected, it was necessary to change everything by a unitary struggle, or nothing. It was necessary to link up with the masses, but we were surrounded by sleep.  Voice 3: The dictatorship of the proletariat is a desperate struggle, bloody and bloodless, violent and peaceful, military and economic, educational and administrative, against the forces and traditions of the old world.  Voice 1: In this country it is once again the men of order who have rebelled. They have reinforced their power. They have been able to aggravate the grotesqueness of the ruling conditions according to their will. They have embellished their system with the funereal ceremonies of the past.  Voice 2: Years, like a single instant prolonged to this point, come to an end.  Voice 1: What was directly lived reappears frozen in the distance, fit into the tastes and illusions of an era, carried away with it.  Voice 2: The appearance of events that we have not made, that others have made against us, now obliges us to be aware of the passage of time, its results, the transformation of our own desires into events. What differentiates the past from the present is precisely its out-of-reach objectivity; there is no more should-be; being is so consumed that it has ceased to exist. The details are already lost in the dust of time. Who was afraid of life, afraid of the night, afraid of being taken, afraid of being kept?  Voice 3: What should be abolished continues, and we continue to wear away with it. We are engulfed. We are separated. The years pass and we haven't changed anything.  Voice 2: Once again morning in the same streets. Once again the fatigue of so many similarly passed nights. It is a walk that has lasted a long time.  Voice 1: Really hard to drink more.  Voice 2: Of course one might make a film of it. But even if such a film succeeds in being as fundamentally disconnected and unsatisfying as the reality it deals with, it will never be more than a re-creation "” poor and false like this botched traveling shot.  Voice 3: There are now people who pride themselves on being authors of films, as others were authors of novels. They are even more backward than the novelists because they are unaware of the decomposition and exhaustion of individual expression in our time, ignorant of the end of the arts of passivity. They are praised for their sincerity since they dramatize, with more personal depth, the conventions of which their life consists. There is talk of the liberation of the cinema. But what does it matter to us if one more art is liberated through which Tom, Dick or Harry can joyously express their slavish sentiments? The only interesting venture is the liberation of everyday life, not only in the perspectives of history but for us and right away. This entails the withering away of alienated forms of communication. The cinema, too, has to be destroyed.  Voice 2: In the final analysis, stars are created by the need we have for them, and not by their talent or lack of talent or even by the film industry or advertising. Miserable need, dismal, anonymous life that would like to expand itself to the dimensions of cinema life. The imaginary life on the screen is the product of this real need. The star is the projection of this need.  The images of the advertisements during the intermissions are more suited than any others for evoking an intermission of life.  To really describe this era it would no doubt be necessary to show many other things. But what would be the point?  Better to grasp the totality of what has been done and what remains to be done than to add more ruins to the old world of the spectacle and of memories.  1. This film, which evokes the lettrist experiences at the origin of the situationist movement, opens with shots of the Paris district frequented by the lettrists in the early 1950s.
/ 高东善
  智爱(金南珠 饰)从小的梦想就是能够成为灰姑娘,找到自己心目中的王子。长大后,智爱和名为温达秀(吴志昊 饰)的男子结了婚。智爱满心期待着婚后的幸福生活,然而现实却给予了她狠狠的打击。温达秀尽管长得一表人才,个性却十分懦弱,毫无男子气概,心眼也小得犹如针眼一般。不仅如此,温达秀还是一位无业游民,整天呆在家里无所事事。  智爱决定接受眼前残酷的现实,接受自己永远也不可能变成公主受到王子的宠爱的这一事实。她整理好了心情,一心扑在了家庭之中,奉献了自己的一切。在智爱的帮助下,温达秀总算找到了一份工作,然而,就在这个节骨眼上,智爱学生时代的小跟班杨凤顺(李慧英 饰)出现在了智爱的眼前,而她那意气风发的模样,正是智爱希望自己能够成为的样子。更糟糕的是,智爱的丈夫是温达秀的上司,无奈之下,智爱在嚣张跋扈的杨凤顺面前只得忍气吞声。
/ Phil Karlson
室内设计大师 第一季
/ 内详
/ 内详 
  Interior designers compete for a life-changing design contract and opportunity to work with a prestigious commercial client.
/ 斯戴芬·卢佐维茨基
  Vienna, 1920. The Austro-Hungarian Empire has collapsed. Peter Perg returns home from the Great War, after seven years as a Russian POW. Vienna is experiencing the multiplicity of political, social and artistic freedom, but also the rise of anti-democratic movements, insecurity and unemployment. Peter, a former police inspector, feels like a stranger in the new Austrian Republic. While wanting to leave town, Peter is confronted with the murder of one of his former comrades. He decides to stay and instead bring the killer to justice. His ally is Dr. Theresa Körner, a determined and cool-headed forensic doctor. The two are linked not only by this case, but also by a deeper, shared history. As their investigation progresses, they realise that they are not just up against a systematic killer, who tortures his victims, but also face disapproval and intrigue from within the police force. Though determined to solve the crime, Peter, harbouring his own secrets, increasingly becomes tormented by existential questions: What is truth? What is heroism in the time of war? And all the while he fails to see the mounting danger before him.
/ 让·雷诺阿 Jean Renoir
  Claudie, a young French woman, inherits her uncle's property in Algeria, much to the disappointment of her scheming cousins Diane and Manuel. On the ferry she meets and falls for Pierre, an idle young man who has squandered his inheritance and is on his way to beg from Christian, his rich but rough-and-ready uncle, who owns a neighbouring farm to Claudie's. Made to work on the farm by Christian as a loan condition, Pierre is soon a changed man, and proposes to Claudie. But when his Arab friend Zoubir invites the Europeans on a hunting party, Diane and Manuel see their chance to move against their cousin.
/ 迈克尔·曼
  劳埃尔-伯格曼(艾尔-帕西诺饰)是CBS电视台“60分钟”节目的王牌制作人,和德高望重的节目主持人迈克-华莱士(克里斯托弗-普拉默饰)向来合作无间。乔佛瑞-维根(罗素-克罗饰)刚被大烟草公司解雇,他的人生似乎瞬间坠入谷底。伯格曼收到一份显示烟草公司制造的香烟对人体有害的报告,找到维根来翻译。然而从这个时候开始,维根便感觉到有人在跟踪监视自己,并给家人带来极大的威胁。烟草公司提醒维根与自己签署的保密协议,他将不能公开任何有关香烟制造的研究给公众。维根不想失去医疗保险等等对家人生活的保障,然而又在备受良心拷问。他最终决定向外界宣布这一切,即使违反保密协议。他先和伯格曼录制了一集“60分钟”栏目,然后前往密西西比州出庭作证控告烟草公司。  然而,烟草公司比他更快一步申请了言论禁制令,他妻子带着两名女儿离去,“60分”栏目又遭到CBS禁播。这一切巨大的代价让人压不过气。维根和伯格曼成了单打独斗的勇士,他们面对内心的正义、勇敢,并一直坚持。
/ 罗伯特·马利根
  出身贫寒的戴茜·克洛弗(娜塔莉·伍德 饰)心怀明星梦,终于有一天受到制作人雷蒙德·斯万(克里斯托弗·普卢默 饰)的赏识如愿以偿进入演艺圈,但公司不仅将其精神失常的母亲关进疯人院,还要其伪装成一个她不喜欢的乖乖少女形象。正当她沮丧不已意志消沉之时,韦德·刘易斯(罗伯特·雷德福 饰)出现在她面前,俩人迅速成为好友关系日渐亲密,最终一起走入婚姻的殿堂。在蜜月之旅中,戴茜全心全意地沉浸在新婚的喜悦之中,韦德却忽然消失了。
/ 戴维·查尔斯·罗德里格斯
  这是历史上最著名、收入最高的运动员之一 — 来见证他不为人知的一面。内马尔叱咤球场,在球场外则是一位备受争议的人物。这部由戴维·查尔斯·罗德里格斯执导的纪录片共分三集,深入了解足球明星小内马尔·达席尔瓦·桑托斯,记录了他在桑托斯的成名之路、他在巴塞罗那俱乐部的光辉岁月,以及他在巴西国家队和巴黎圣日耳曼足球俱乐部的波起云落。与此同时,内马尔背后的营销机器也逐渐掀开面纱 — 一切尽在他父亲的掌控之下。该剧集众星云集,采访了贝克汉姆、梅西、姆巴佩和其他许多传奇人物,他们评价了内马尔在体育史上的地位。
/ 弗里茨·朗
  一名警官自杀了,侦探戴夫(格伦·福特 Glenn Ford 饰)奉命调查这起蹊跷的案件。本来一切都按照程序正常的行进着,在快要结案之际,一个女人忽然现身,她声称她有证据证明这位警察并非自杀,而是死于谋杀。与此同时,戴夫亦收到了上级的命令,命他停止调查此案,这让本就起了疑心的戴夫感到更加的不对劲。  随着调查的深入,黑帮老大勒加纳(Alexander Scourby 饰)的身影浮出水面,让戴夫没有想到的是,他的挖掘真相的举动,竟然为自己引来了杀身之祸,虽然他幸运的逃过了一劫没有让杀手得逞,却牵连了一名无辜者。戴夫的正义之魂被点燃了,他发誓要和恶势力斗智斗勇到最后。
/ 亚历山大·佩恩
  老头子Woody(布鲁斯·邓恩 Bruce Dern 饰)收到一份广告,上面说他中了一百万大奖,对此他深信不疑,更决定从蒙大拿的比灵斯市步行到内布拉斯加的林肯市去领奖。他的妻子和两个儿子多次劝阻未果,最终小儿子David(威尔·福特 Will Forte 饰)决定开车载着他到林肯去领奖。去林肯的路上他们经过了Woody的老家,便决定去拜访那些久未谋面的亲戚们。Woody一家在那里短暂停留的几天里,整个小镇的人都知道Woody中了大奖,Woody顿时成了镇上的红人,接踵而来的是他的那些老债主们。David也渐渐了解了Woody那些不为人知的过去,对自己的父亲有了新的了解......
/ 谷德昭,周星驰
  零零恭、零零喜、零零发(周星驰 饰)、零零财是宫廷四大高手,专职保卫皇帝(张达明 饰)的安全。虽号称四大高手之一,零零发实际上只会搞些小发明完全不会武功,某次因为未完成皇帝交办的捉拿江湖四大怪杰的任务,他被开除出宫。回家后,零零发开了一家妇科诊所,时常会用一些小发明讨得老婆(刘嘉玲 饰)心花怒放,日子也算怡然自乐。 金国以“天外飞仙”尸体为由将皇帝从宫中骗出,并伺机杀死了紧跟皇帝的三大高手,关键时刻,零零发用他发明的“直升机”和“机关枪”救皇帝一命。不死心的敌手随后派来名妓琴操(李若彤 饰)引诱零零发,零零发与老婆将计就计演起双簧。
/ 弗里茨·朗
/ 陈庆嘉,秦小珍
  Miu(邓丽欣 饰)去应聘一家内衣公司,结果得到内衣调查员的工作,同时一直单身的姑姑去世,Miu与号称“大叔杀手”的表妹Donut(文咏珊 饰)一同搬入了姑姑的华居。公司这边,市场部的少女杀手Lucas(郑中基 饰)试图推倒Miu未果,转而以朋友的立场对她,在Lucas的开导下,Miu先后卷入与“银行经理”、著名才子、自恋的公司太子爷诸人的荒诞交往。住在Miu楼下的空姐Celina频频丢失内衣,在报警时结识了辅警沈家俊(徐天佑 饰),二人很快同居,但代价是小辅警不能阻碍空姐的攀高枝梦想……Miu在市场调查中结识的酒店公关CC(贾晓晨 饰)巧遇羞涩的哈佛毕业生Eugene(安志杰 饰),后者让CC找到了爱情的希望……几个女孩在各自的爱情路上磕磕绊绊,而内衣,也在她们寻找的过程中被赋予了更多的意义。
/ 大森立嗣
  在这个故事里,濑户内海并非地名,而是大阪某男子高中二年级两个男生的名字。濑户小吉(菅田将晖 饰)身形瘦弱高挑,他曾是足球部的一员,但因和前辈关系不睦而退出社团。内海想(池松壮亮 饰)文质彬彬,沉默寡言,却也并非只知道读书的书呆子。不知为何,这两个看起来完全没有交集的“回家部”成了朋友。每当下午放学后,他们便相约来到河边坐下。在内海去补习班前的这段时间里,两个人便海阔天空地闲聊起来。他们的话题无所不包,却又无聊空洞。当那个妖精一般的女孩樫村一期(中条彩未 饰)出现时,不经意间在木讷的大男孩心间激起波澜……  本片根据此元和津也的同名漫画改编。
/ 内详
/ 内详 
/ 奥斯卡·米绍
  Abandoned by her fiancé, an educated negro woman with a shocking past dedicates herself to helping a near bankrupt school for impoverished negro youths. Within Our Gates was created in response to The Birth of a Nation which depicted southern whites in need of the Ku Klux Klan to protect them from blood thirsty blacks. Micheaux shows the reality of Dixie racism in 1920, where a black man could be lynched for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
/ 佐藤祐市
  现年三十岁的樱井市子(真木阳子 饰)由于性格原因,始终未曾拥有一段幸福甜蜜的爱情。前不久的聚会上她认识了帅气又有些木讷的23岁青年早乙女亮一(古川雄辉 饰)。当市子与对方在熙攘的车站重逢时,她的心中竟然产生某种悸动。是上前打招呼?还是默默路过?此时此刻,市子大脑里的会议室乱成一锅粥,担任议长的“理性”吉田(西岛秀俊 饰)倡议举手表决,“积极”的石桥(神木隆之介 饰)和“冲动”的鸠子(樱田日和 饰)坚持要上前搭讪,而“消极”池田(吉田羊 饰)则抵死不从,一旁负责记忆的岸先生(浅野和之 饰)不紧不慢记录会议的内容。在这五个小人的驱使下,市子走上前去,而一段奇妙的恋情也由此展开……  本片根据水城雪可奈2010年发表的少女漫画改编。
/ 车荣勋