搜索"C" ,找到 391部影视作品
Jean-Marie Straub
The lines start with “O Somma Luce” which is the title of the film and also the 67th line of the 33rd canto in “Paradiso” of Dante’s “Divine Comedy” to the end of “Paradiso”. The film is completed with music and lines instead of emotions and narrations. This is a recent attempt to combine film with literature. The film begins with a black screen and the music of Edgard Varese. The BGM is “Deserts” that was recorded in 1954. After some moments of darkness, the music ends and a middle-aged man sits on a hill, reciting something. He is Giorgio Passerone, an Italian literature professor, and he is reading out of the last part of ‘Paradiso’ of Dante’s Divine Comedy. Jean-Marie Straub expressed how he thinks of Dante through a subtle accent and dialect. The director who had encoded many great artists and musicians including Bach, complete the combination of Dante and Varese, which could seem strange. (Lim Kyung Yong)
Ishbel Hall
In 2009, art detective Dr Bendor Grosvenor caused a national scandal by proving that the Scottish National Portrait Gallery's iconic portrait of Bonnie Prince Charlie, the rebel Stuart who almost seized power in 1745, was not in fact him. Keen to make amends, and suspecting that a long-lost portrait of the prince by one of Scotland's greatest artists, Allan Ramsay, might still survive, Bendor decides to retrace Charles' journey in the hope of unravelling one of the greatest mysteries in British art.
In the late 16th century Europe was in the grip of a ferocious witch hunt, where thousands were tortured and burnt at the stake. The church was fully behind this terrifying crusade against the imaginary enemies of Christianity. In France and Germany alone up to 40,000 people may have been killed as witches. But England and Scotland were almost untouched by witch persecutions until King James himself decided to launch his own, personal war on witchcraft. In 1597 King James VI of Scotland published 'Daemonology', a handbook on how to recognise and destroy, witches. The book explored the threat that 'those Detestable slaves of the Devil', posed to James himself. It fuelled waves of witch hunting throughout Britain. The legacy of James' 'Daemonology' continued throughout the 17th century, and led to the torture and execution of hundreds of women in a series of infamous witch trials. No-one knows exactly how many men and women died in these trials, such as the Pendle trial of 1612, or how many others were killed in cases that never came to court. The documentary reveals the purges in many areas of Britain drew directly on King James' book. Also for the first time, remarkable new archaeological evidence from Cornwall, suggests that witchcraft was actively practiced for centuries, even during the most intense periods of witch-hunting. Experimental archaeologist Jacqui Wood has excavated strange pits lined with swan's feathers, and filled with animal skins and human remains. She believes the pits were ritual offerings inspired by witchcraft beliefs.
Historian Dr Micheál Ó Siochrú presents award-winning director Maurice Sweeney’s gripping docudrama, which re-evaluates the role and character of England’s most influential democrat. Cromwell: God’s Executioner has drama, excitement and action, combined with a poignant reflection on the horrors of war. If you thought you knew Cromwell, think again.
Rob Coldstream
Anne Boleyn is one of the most famous and controversial women in British history. In 1536, she became the first queen in Britain's history to be executed. The brutal speed of her downfall, and the astonishing nature of the charges against her - treason, adultery, even incest - makes her story shocking even to this day. Yet whilst we know how Anne died, the story of why she had to go and who authored her violent end has been the subject of fiery debate across six centuries. In a radical new approach to televised history, a stellar cast of writers and historians, including Hilary Mantel, David Starkey, Philippa Gregory and others, battle out the story of her last days and give their own unique interpretations of her destruction.
Archaeologist Julian Richards returns to some of his most important digs to discover how science, conservation and new finds have changed our understanding of entire eras of ancient history. Pagans of Roman Britain 1/4 Julian Richards goes back to the excavation of two burials from Roman Britain. Families of the Stone Age 2/4 Archaeologist Julian Richards returns to the excavation of two burials from the Stone Age. Sacred Women of the Iron Age 3/4 Julian Richards returns to the excavation of two very different Iron Age women. The First Anglo-Saxons 4/4 Julian Richards returns to the excavation of two early Anglo-Saxon cemeteries.
据《无法阻挡的highkick》制作公司负责人透露,因为是续集,因此新剧原本是计划叫《无法阻挡的highkick2》,不过后来考虑到新剧中有不少新的演员加入,最后将剧名定位了更有气势的《穿透屋顶的highkick》。 《穿透屋顶的highkick》将在9月7日首播,而在8月10日,该剧剧组将进行海报拍摄,并以此为开始进行6个月的大长征。 《穿透屋顶的highkick》讲述了刚刚从地方来到首尔的两姐妹,入住到《无法阻挡的highkick》一家人的家庭后所发生的各种有趣的故事,该剧将由李顺才等《无法阻挡的highkick》原班人马与全新加入的演员们一起出演。
无法阻挡的high kick《High Kick Season3》作为继《无法阻挡的High Kick》、《穿透屋顶的High Kick》之后,又一部由导演金炳旭执导的笑剧,将于9月19日放送。 实力派演员安内相和尹裕善将在剧中挑大梁饰演主角,两人将凭借娴熟的演技引导整个故事的展开,为观众带来前所未有的喜剧效果。安内相所饰演的角色为因公司倒闭而不得不住进小舅子家的大家长,而尹裕善则演出丈夫公司倒闭后变得情绪极不稳定的家庭夫妇。饰演尹裕善弟弟的则是尹继尚和徐智锡,分别为保健医师和高中体育老师,两人虽长相不同却将在剧中上演一出精彩兄弟戏份。 凭借《秘密花园》崭露头角的李钟硕饰演安内相尹裕善夫妇的儿子安钟硕,女生偶像团体f(X)成员Krystal则以安水晶的名字饰演2人的女儿,将在剧中展现不同魅力。
《BEM ~BECOME HUMAN~》是由Production I.G负责制作的剧场版动画作品。リブラシティの事件から2年。行方不明となったベムたち妖怪人間の行方を探し続けていた刑事・ソニアは、目撃情報を元に「ドラコ・ケミカル」という製薬会社を訪れる。そこで出会ったのは、逞しく成長し、たった一人で悪と戦い続けるベロ、戦いを拒み、普通の女の子としての暮らしを望むベラ、そして、ベムにそっくりな姿の"ベルム"という男だった・・・。ベルムは、自分のことをベムと呼ぶソニアとの接触以来、毎夜、悪夢にうなされることになる。愛する妻と子どもに囲まれた暖かい家庭。優しい街の人々とのいつもの交流。気の置けない同僚と、やりがいのある仕事。そんな、自分にとってごく普通の、変わらないはずの日常が、音を立てて崩れ落ちていく―。「俺は一体、誰なんだ・・・?」彼らの運命はすれ違い、交錯し、やがて妖怪人間誕生の秘密へと繋がる。長年抱いていた夢の答え。果たして妖怪人間が選び取った未来とは・・・!?
Simon's adventure starts in the magnificent 'red centre' of the continent and onwards through South Australia, via the extraordinary Indian Pacific Railway until he reaches the west coast city of Perth. On the way, he joins an Aussie rancher in the parched outback and takes part in a spectacular camel round-up. This mad aventure, involving specially adapted off-road vehicles and a chopper, is part of an ongoing effort to stop the damaging spread of up to a million feral camels across the country. Simon also passes through Australia's wine country and to the lucrative tuna fishing city of Port Lincoln, and he investigates the impact these trades are having on the environment. In Western Australia, he joins a 21st century gold rush - part of the resource boom that has made Australia one of the richest countries in the world. Finally in Perth, Simon discovers a full scale British invasion. Working in a mine or driving a lorry can bring a salary of a hundred thousand pounds a year, as evidenced when Simon meets a former binman from hull who is now living the dream, with a beautiful house in the sun, private pool and his very own boat.
故事发生在一家名为犍陀罗music的唱片公司中,澄空翼(金元寿子 配音)是刚刚来到公司的经纪人,然而,初来乍到的她立刻就被通知要同时负责三支偶像小组,一上来就要背负如此艰巨的任务,澄空翼简直怀疑自己是不是被骗了。 向来以王子形象示人,但实际上非常缺乏生活常识的北门伦毗沙(小野大辅 配音)、身材娇小个性腹黑的是国龙持(岸尾大辅 配音)、个性认真严肃甚至有些古板的金城刚士(丰永利行 配音)、天真浪漫非常友好热情的阿修悠太(花江夏树 配音)、常常沉浸在自己的世界中的爱染健十(加藤和树 配音),澄空翼要应付的,是这些帅气但是麻烦的家伙们。
「一骑当千」是在「月刊Comic Gum」上连载的、由塩崎雄二创作的人气漫画,作品讲述了一群以「三国志」中各路英雄为名,被称为斗士的高中生美少女的格斗故事。曾经推出过三部TV版的「一骑当千」,将在4月播出第4季「一骑当千XX(XTREME XECUTOR)」。在三国志中为人熟知的马超将在TV版第4季中首度登场,另外还有其他原创角色出现,当然美少女之间充满魅力的战斗也会变得越来越激烈。 【STORY】 由孙策伯符率领的南阳学院与刘备玄德的成都学院结成了同盟,与魔王曹操孟德的许昌学院展开了赤壁之战。在战斗中胜利的孙策等人迎来了和平的日子……但是,在某个空无一人的废工厂里却出现了一个影子…… 与此同时,另一个人影正在前往许昌学院。那是一个上半身穿着运动衫、背着小背包、绑着单马尾的高中女生。最终到达许昌学院的少女,随便抓住一个斗士就开口询问:“大哥,你感到无聊吗?要不要跟我打一场?” 在打倒了一个又一个轻敌的斗士后,少女直往曹操所在,最后还占领了学校的广播室。 然后,她自报了身份:“我是凉州高校一年级的马超孟起!曹操孟德,与我决一胜负吧!” 和平才刚到来不久,就迎来了魔王曹操孟德的复活,还有新势力“南蛮高校”……他们的目的究竟是什么?!在迎来新角色马超后,斗士们的命运之轮又再开始转动!!
ようやく束の間の平和が訪れた関東だったが、関西闘士たちが勾玉狩りを目的に関東にやってきた。その対策として、「斬龍」を鍛え直しに鎌倉にきている趙雲と落ち合うために、劉備たちも鎌倉へと向かう。 そこに「関羽、敗れる」の知らせが入る。関羽は敵の調査のため単独行動をしていたが、連絡がつかない。真偽がわからないまま、約束した境内で待つ劉備一行。 一方、趙雲は、関西からの刺客、特Aランク闘士柳生三厳と「死合い」を繰り広げていた。 関東と関西、それぞれの闘士たちが出会い、戦いを繰り広げる第1話。 頭主の勾玉を狙われてそれぞれ襲撃をうけていた曹操、孫策、劉備。許昌学院には弁慶と義経、劉備には胤舜が襲い掛かる。孫策は、勾玉狩りの勅を出した卑弥呼から怪しく迫られていた。 張飛、三厳を倒した胤舜は、龍の覚醒を果たした劉備と対峙する。生まれついてのSランクで自らの力を誇示する胤舜と仲間を守るために龍の力を解放した劉備。だが、龍の力をも圧倒した胤舜は劉備に自らの刻印をきざみつけようとした、その瞬間、激しいオーラをまとった人影が立ちふさいだ。 「己」か「仲間」か、闘士たちが思いをぶつけ合い、交感する第2話。
Eva Wunderman
Two parallel stories of Japanese and American WWII enemies play out on the island where they fought 60 years prior. They meet face-to-face for the first time and their adventures take them into the jungle where remnants of their fighting still remain untouched.